Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Awkardest of all awkward - the first post.

I used to post the odd blog on MySpace from time to time. Somehow, posting the occasional random story I felt was worthy of sharing felt less... ***LOOK AT ME!!!*** than starting an actual blog. But keeping a blog there would require people (including myself) actually participating in MySpace these days, and I'm pretty sure the only people left there are bands, 15 year-olds, and Eastern Europeans. I could be wrong*.
*Don't tell me if I am though, cuz I'm spread out way too thin, what with actual work, checking people's Facebook statuses, their uploaded photos, and silently loving the glorious fact that the mean girl in junior high has really ugly babies to add one more thing back into my schedule of internet procrastination.

Are there rules of etiquette for a first blog? Like, do I outline what you should expect from me?

Well here's the thing. It's all a bit hazy at the moment, and I'm counting on it taking shape as I go forward. It will either do that or lay abandoned for a year until I don't remember my password. I see that seems to be a common problem amongst bloggers, since every URL title I tried to come up with seemed to already be taken by someone who had never actually posted a blog or been back to their site since coming up with a title.

What I do know is, I don't pretend to be interesting enough to have lots of things that people will want to read about. But interesting things do tend to HAPPEN to or at least be observed by me. Since junior high, people have told me I should write a book. True to my slacker form, I'll just settle for a blog instead.

Also, feel free to leave lots of comments, but I'm totally going to delete the bad ones, just like on YouTube where the occasional obnoxious kid who speaks in text lingo tells me that I'm a horrible mother because I have a video of my son throwing a temper tantrum and me laughing at him. Either I delete your crappy comment, or we will argue until I force you to like me. Just pretending it never happened will be a lot more comfortable for both of us.

Finally, I can't say I don't foresee offending people. If you're one of them, sorry bout it. But if you cool off and step away from the situation, I'm sure that you'll realize you kinda deserved it.

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