Friday, May 15, 2009

A Message to My Followers

Yes... both of you.

I just love calling you followers. I think that's the best part of blogger by far.
I've always wanted a collection of followers, even if they're only two, and even if they're not really following me. Just being able to refer to someone as my follower rules. I haven't found a way to drop it into every-day context yet, or, bring you up somehow at the bar, but... it'll come.

I just wanted you to know, since you're probably so totally worried about me or at least worried that I've given up on blogging (I know, I'm sorry for such a scare, calm your pretty little heads), that I just happen to be very busy and important right now and haven't had the time.

But I can't wait to tell you all about stuff. I'll be back yo. There is much to discuss.

Til then, try to keep your spirits up. And let's not kid ourselves, we're not in exclusive relationships. I see you're other people's followers as well. I just choose to ignore that bit and call you my own, ok? Just nod, like a good little follower.

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